Thursday, December 22, 2011

Chanukah Night 3

Night 3 of Chanukah was largely courtesy of Uncle Mike and Aunt Kathleen, who sent each of the kids a pile of presents. Ben received some Eagles merchandise including the jersey pictured above, and Rebecca received several Princess-themed items, as well as a bunch of lip balms, which she was very happy to see. Caroline even got in on the action, getting some adorable baby clothes. Thanks guys!!

The kids opened their presents early and then Joel dropped them off at a friend's house where they'd been invited for a strategically-timed dinner / playdate. Meanwhile, our neighbors brought over a delicious dinner of lasagna, salad, bread and cinnamon rolls. So Joel and I had a yummy PEACEFUL dinner which Caroline thoughtfully slept through. The kids are on their way home from their play date now, and hopefully going straight to bed... so a relaxing evening for Mom and Dad!

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