Monday, April 23, 2012

The Parade of Doctor Visits Continues...

Caroline had her 4 month checkup this morning. She weighed in at 18 pounds even, 26 1/2 inches long, with a 17 inch head ;) This is >98th percentile for height, and right at the 98th percentile for weight and head circumference. This incidentally explains why all her clothes have stopped fitting.

Rebecca accompanied me to this visit, since I squeezed her in at the last minute for a consultation. Rebecca earned herself a referral to the urologist, after I described how she continues to wet her pants in small amounts throughout the day even when accompanied to the bathroom every single hour, and how she soaks through a pull-up every single night. Her urinalysis results were normal.

Caroline also earned herself a referral, to a PT who specializes in infant head shape issues, because she continues to flatten her head on one side. The PT will decide if we can try some therapy with her or if we need to go straight to the (very expensive) helmet. If she needs a helmet, I'd like to get it over with sooner rather than later, since the shape of her head will be much easier to change now versus even a few months from now.

I have yet to make either of these appointments but between these and Ben's ENT appointment next Monday, our parade of doctor visits seems like it's going to continue for a while....

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