Saturday, June 16, 2012


We left Hilton Head at about 10:15, and after stopping for gas, stopping for an ill-fated lunch at Cracker Barrel where a waitress dropped a tray of food on Rebecca's head, stopping for 3 bathroom breaks, and stopping to disentangle Rebecca from her seat belt* we FINALLY made it home at about 4:30. You do the math - over 6 hours for a trip that should really only have taken four and a half. Everyone was a bit tired and grumpy by the time we got home. After unpacking (mostly), starting some laundry, ordering pizza, welcoming Clara home from her week long stay at camp, boiling the kids' crabs**, baths, etc, everyone is feeling a bit better I think. Caroline is asleep and the kids are in their pjs watching golf with Joel. I'm sorry vacation is over, but it is good to be home.

* Somehow she managed to wrap the seat belt around her leg which was somehow hoisted up over her head, and it locked in place so every time I tried to pull on it to get some slack I actually made it worse, so Joel had to pull over and we both spent 5 minutes wrestling Rebecca (screaming) out of her seat belt.

** The subject of another blog post.

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