Friday, October 26, 2012

Teacher Conference

Yesterday I had Ben's first quarter conference with his teacher. At the end of the quarter (which closes today), his averages are: 91% in literacy, 91% in math, 88% in writing, 93% in science, and 90% in social studies. Of course, since the grading scale is annoyingly strict, this is one A (science) and the rest B's. However, I am pleased because apparently 3rd grade report cards come as a shock for a lot of parents, because the highest mark in K through 2nd grades, a "3", can mean an A, B or C. His teacher said she is pleased with his performance, and she is working with him on his organization skills which she sees as being his one area that he needs improvement on (where have we heard this before?) She also said he is very sweet, very bright, and has a great attitude in class. Yay Ben! :) She also reviewed her homework policy, which is that she does not give very much homework because she feels like the kids work very hard in class and she doesn't want to overload them. (I am totally on board with this).


Abigail said...

Way to go Ben!

Mary said...

Dare to dream!!! Sofia gets home work 3 days a week which usually includes a double sided math sheet and a double sided spelling sheet. On top of that she needs to read for 100 minutes every week and study her math facts for 50 minutes a week. It is ridiculous!