Friday, April 26, 2013

Caroline's Ordeal

Here is Caroline after her little ordeal at the GI doctor yesterday. The doctor ordered some labs to check her nutrient absorption function, and the nurses at the lab tried twice to stick her and couldn't get any blood out :( So we had to drive over to the uptown office, coincidentally in the same building as Daddy's office, where the nurse there was MUCH better/quicker at finding Caroline's blood ;) Daddy came downstairs to witness the screamfest (Mommy had heard enough screaming for one day already by that point). We also provided a stool sample, which Daddy took to work with him this morning ;) We should know test results early next week.


Abigail said...

Aww poor baby :-( Hope everything checks out ok!

Kathleen said...

Ouch! Poor Caroline!