Monday, May 20, 2013

Weekend Activities

We had a pretty full weekend. Ben had his flag football playoff tournament on Saturday. His team handily won the first game, during which Ben threw 2 touch down passes, and made an interception that he ran back for a touchdown. It was his best game of the season. The second (out of a possible 3 games) they lost by a touchdown, with time expiring before they could get off a final play to try to tie the game. Even though they didn't make it to the championship round, Ben was happy with how he played and how his team played.

Rebecca also had her last soccer game of the season, which was a bit chaotic because it started thunderstorming just as we arrived at the field for the game, so we had to move indoors to the gym which is smaller, louder, and more chaotic when you have 14 4 and 5 year olds chasing a ball around ;) Becca did not score any goals in this game but she was very happy to get her trophy :)

Ben also had his final religious school activity of the year yesterday, Mitzvah Day, where they do community service projects. Ben and Joel went to Bright Blessings which is an organization that puts together birthday baskets for homeless children. During this outing Ben started fading fast, and came home with a fever and crawled into bed. He rallied briefly with the help of Motrin in the afternoon to go to a planned movie date to see the new Iron Man movie, but came home as soon as it was over and crawled into my bed and fell asleep. He is home sick today, which is unfortunate because today and tomorrow are the much anticipated/feared End of Grade tests ("EOGs") which are used by the state to measure academic performance/ rank schools. Third grade is the first year they are given, so Ben has never taken them before. So, he'll have to take a make-up test when he feels better. I definitely did not want to send him and have him take the test while he is not feeling well. 

Besides the above activities, Rebecca accompanied me to the mall in search of a bathing suit for myself, but of course all we came home with was a bathing suit for her ;) (Could have predicted this outcome at the beginning). Also we had a playdate at friend Amelia's house after soccer yesterday while Ben and Joel were at the movie, where Caroline defied all logic by being afraid of a seven pound dog, when she is not at all afraid of our own 65 pound dog, nor of our cat who probably, no definitely, also weighs considerably more than seven pounds. Caroline also continues to try and enjoy new foods, including gluten free waffles (pictured below), and hummus. 

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