Monday, September 16, 2013


We kept a low profile this weekend thanks to a cranky / sleepless Caroline. We took her to the pediatrician Saturday morning who proclaimed her ears to be borderline - not really infected yet but possibly heading in that direction. She gave us antibiotics but we opted for the "wait and see" approach. She seemed improved on Sunday and we had a little Eagles party at Ben's insistence, since their first game was a Monday night and not really conducive to having a party since it was a school night. We grilled some steaks and the kids decorated cupcakes. The Eagles lost a close game, but it was fun anyway. Caroline gave herself an icing beard and also in that pic you can see her scraped eye from where she face-planted on the sidewalk Saturday night while we were at a party at a neighbor's house :( Poor Caroline, it was a rough weekend for her.

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