Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mid-Week Update

It has been a busy week so far. Ben has had a ton of homework including a big social studies report, a social studies open book test, a science test, and the usual vocabulary and Greek/Latin stems. Fortunately for me his great attitude that he started the school year with is still going strong. He has done about three hours of homework a day this week without complaint.

Clara went back to the vet this morning where we decided her leg has been given enough chance to heal on its own and it is clearly not doing that. So we scheduled surgery for her (meniscus repair) for the Tuesday after we get back from Disney. 

Caroline has been doing great with potty training, having had only one accident in the past week. She is off school tomorrow and Friday for the final round of Jewish holidays of the fall. 

Throw in a malfunctioning air conditioner and a busy and short-staffed week at work, and that about sums up the week so far--ugh! Waiting for the weekend. 

Here are Ben and Becca's school pics:

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Beautiful pics! Grandma wants copies:)