Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Comments, Please

Okay so I have noticed that I only have one reader who adds comments to my blog. (Thank you Anne!) The rest of you, and you know who you are, better start speaking up.

PS, If you read this blog and you don't have a blog of your own, please start one so I can add you to my blog list. I want more blogs. That means you Abby.


kirabug said...

Whoo hoo! A shout-out to me! :)

Carolyn said...

As I've said to Jon, and told him to relay to you this weekend - your blog is my gold standard of blogging. You have funny quick interesting well-written segments, you keep up with it, you are non-preachy - you are my blogging role model. But I do think your fabulous houseguest this weekend deserved a mention. :-)

Andrew said...

I'll add to the fun..
BTW Carolyn..my blog is the best around..don't you forget it..