Monday, June 30, 2008

Kung Fu Ben

Yesterday Joel took Ben to see Kung Fu Panda. We had already planned the outing, but hearing of cousin Charlie's successful (and in my opinion odds-defying) movie-going experience made me even more confident that Ben would be able to sit through it. His last attempt at going to a movie theater was probably a year and a half ago, and he freaked out when confronted with the low lights and loud music and Joel had to take him out before the movie even started.

Yesterday's trip to the movies was much more successful. Ben was thoroughly enchanted by the entire experience - the movie posters, the food ("Daddy bought me a Coke that was so big I couldn't even carry it!") He sat through the whole movie without complaint, up to the last five minutes when he started to get a little restless, but he still made it through the whole movie. (Joel, by the way, also reports having thoroughly enjoyed the movie).

When they got home, Ben re-enacted the final battle for me:


Abigail said...

No offense but you have one of the most uncoordinated children I have ever seen ;)

Amanda said...

well excuse me that my 4yr old doesn't really know kung fu ;) at least he knows how to go down the slide the right way, haha ;)

Andrew said...

He takes after his father.....

Anonymous said...

You know, if you enrolled him in martial arts now he'd be totally awesome at it by the time he's in his teens.

Abigail said...

Charlie *knows* how to go down the slide the right way -- he just finds that way too boring :)