Thursday, June 19, 2008

This Date in History: June 19, 2004

At 9:55 a.m, Benjamin Robert was born. His entry into the world was not without complications. He was a week overdue. I am sure he did this just to be difficult, knowing that Joel and I were waiting on his arrival with more than the usual amount of anxiety. Joel was due to start a new job 250 miles away on July 1st. We needed to get the baby out and get on the road. Most of our belongings had already made the move to our new house, and the last three weeks of pregnancy were more than a little inconvenient. When labor finally started, it was a relief - but not for long. I was in labor for 14 hours before I was allowed to have an epidural, and the OB on-call for the delivery was the one I really, really didn't like. It was another 14 hours after receiving the epidural before Ben was finally born. He was gray, and needed to be intubated twice to get him breathing. Then, just as now, he was long and skinny. He looked like a little bird with big dark eyes. I think he cleaned up pretty nicely though don't you?


Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday Ben!!! I liked the picture trip through his 4 year history. But no picture of Ben's hot summer days playing in the pot of water in the backyard in Blackstone?

Amanda said...

if i could find it, it would be the subject of a post unto itself.