Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Trip to the Doctor

I took Ben and Becca for their well exams this morning. Ben had his 4 year appointment and Rebecca had her 9 month appointment. Here are their check-up stats:

Height: 44 1/4 inches (>97th percentile)
Weight: 38.8 lbs (75th percentile)

Height: 28 1/2 inches (75th percentile)
Weight: 20.02 lbs (70th percentile)
Head circumference: 18 inches (90th percentile)

Ben had his vision and hearing tested, and got a Hepatitis A vaccination. I kept him in the dark about it until the last moment so he held still for it because he didn't know what was coming. I felt bad for not telling him about it but he would have threw a fit I am sure. The nurse gave him a popsicle and two stickers, so he got over it fast.

Rebecca did not get any vaccinations, but she got a finger prick to have her hemoglobin checked. Afterwards she immediately pulled the bandaid off and tried to eat it. Her hemoglobin was borderline normal, at 11.1, so the pediatrician suggested giving her an iron supplement every other day. I'll defer to my hematologist husband on that one... I don't want to risk causing constipation unless it is really necessary...

Who needs a baby book when you have a blog?


Carolyn said...

That Ben sure is a tall drink of water. And how handy is it to have a hematologist husband?!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are keeping this blog up every day!!!
I'm glad all went well with the doc! Looks like Becca will be as big as Ben before we know it!

Amanda said...

carolyn -- not as handy as you might think ;)