Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Am I Really That Predictable?

This morning it was really quite cold here in Charlotte... probably around 30 degrees or so when I left to take the kids to camp/preschool around 8:15. As I usually do, I opened the garage door about 5 minutes prior to our departure. As Ben climbed into the car he started complaining about how cold it was and the fact that I had opened the garage door, making it even colder.

I opened my mouth to remind him that we used to live in Massachusetts and how cold it was there, and I think I was going to throw in something about how we didn't have a garage then either and our car had to be chiseled out of a block of ice every morning in the wintertime, but I hardly got the chance to say a word because as soon as I opened my mouth and began with "Well, you know--" Ben interrupted me with, "I know, I KNOW! We used to live in Massachusetts!"


Mary said...

That is very funny! Next time you can just make things up..."and we walked 10 miles up hill both ways to get to your school!"

Grandma said...

I'm waiting for Abby's comment :)

Abigail said...

Yeah tell Ben cousin Charlie doesn't complain about the cold and it was below 0 this morning! Better yet, threaten to make him come with you when yuo come up here in a couple weeks ;)

Amanda said...

what can i say -- he's a warm-weather boy ;)