Monday, December 28, 2009

Play Date

I dragged Ben away from his video game and Becca away from Backyardigans for a play date yesterday at the park with one of Rebecca's friends from school. The weather was mild and sunny, and it was a great day for the park! One thing I must say about raising girls vs. boys, watching little girls play together is so much cuter than watching little boys play together! At Rebecca's age, Ben's idea of a play date was to throw a tantrum over who got what truck to push, and then run around with his friend like a maniac. One would lead, one would follow, every once in a while they would switch, and barely a word would be exchanged unless it was to squabble over something.

Rebecca on the other hand, played so cutely with her friend Amelia, sliding, climbing, playing peek-a-boo, and not a tantrum was had by either party. Yeah! Girls rock!

1 comment:

melanie said...

Girls do rock. I loved watching them play together, and it was great to have time to hang out with another mom. Thanks for joining us!