Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sometimes, They Can Be So Sweet...

Lately the kids have been having their share of sibling rivalry issues -- Ben has declared on several occasions that he doesn't want a baby sister (a little too late for that I told him) -- and Rebecca is making up for her laid back first year or so of life by being anything but. "Strong willed" and "dramatic" are words that have been used diplomatically to describe her, recently at school. This morning was typical; Rebecca took off with Ben's underwear while he was trying to get dressed, and he pursued her half naked through the whole house before finally cornering her and taking them back.

Tonight I witnessed a more mellow moment -- Ben read Rebecca a bedtime story and then as I put her in her crib She threw her arms over the side of the crib and called, "Ben! Come give me a hug!" Ben obliged and they gave each other a big hug. As Ben and I left the room, he turned to me and said, "That was really sweet, wasn't it?"

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Awwww :) I will be blessed if it takes Charlie 2 years to decide he really didnt want a baby brother or sister...:)