Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mid Way Through A Busy Week

Yes, if you hadn't noticed, over the last couple days I am back-loading the blog prior to the end of March to get a respectable number of posts in.

This is a busy week - in addition to our Passover festivities Monday night, Rebecca's preschool has been closed for Passover through today (and again next Monday and Tuesday). Some of her classmates and I are sharing babysitting and rotating houses, so on Monday she went to Jake's house, Tuesday to Amelia's house, and today the group is at my house being babysat by the talented Miss Lindsay and her brother Alex.

So Rebecca's being schlepped around from house to house this week. Ben had a field trip to Discovery Place on Monday, a spring egg hunt today for which I had to supply filled plastic eggs and a decorated milk carton cut into a basket shape to collect them in. Muffins For Moms is tomorrow, for which I need to bring a clay flower pot to school to decorate with him. (While eating muffins I presume). He's also been taking the school bus home to our bus stop the last two days instead of going to the JCC after school, since they are closed for Passover.

So a lot of disrupted routines and altered schedules this week, which will continue into the early part of next week, when Rebecca will be off for Passover again and Ben will be on Spring Break.

On the bright side of things, the weather is awesome!! Sunny and in the upper 70s today, with sun and temps in the 70s and 80s forecasted to continue into next week. Let 6 months of wearing flip flops begin.... NOW.

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