Monday, March 8, 2010

Playdates, Allergies and Lots of Coffee

1. On Friday I thought I had allergies because I started sneezing like crazy but by Saturday night it was apparent that it was a cold instead, since I started to feel achy and lousy also. Usually my colds start the other way around, with the achiness first and the stuffiness later. It was a little weird to have it start out with just nasal symptoms. Fast forward to today and I'm still rather miserable, but breathing a little better with the help of Dayquil.

2. Ben had a playdate on Saturday at our house, and he and his friends tracked mud from the back yard into the house. Becca walked over to a clump of mud on the floor, pointed at it, and announced, "I pooped!" I quickly assured her that she was mistaken. She seemed confused, and quite certain that she had pooped. I then spent 20 minutes digging the clay out of 3 pairs of sneaker soles.

3. Becca had a playdate at our house yesterday and aside from her friend throwing up on the floor (long story though a lot easier to clean up than the mud actually), it was a successful morning. The girls especially had fun swinging on the swings in the backyard and Ben even joined in to play with them nicely since he was banned from playing video games because of misbehaving at his own playdate on Saturday and so had nothing better to do.

4. I got this on Saturday and have enjoyed several delicious and oh-so-easy to brew cups of coffee, since. It ROCKS!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Yikes everybody- sell your Starbucks stock :)