Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

Our mother's day weekend was busy but not particularly eventful. Whatever that means :) Joel had to work this weekend, and work was busy, so we didn't see a whole lot of him unfortunately.

On Saturday morning the kids and I did errands - got them new bathing suits at Target and then finally gave into the silly band craze and let Ben pick out two packs of silly bands at the toy store. Of course Rebecca wanted some too because whatever Ben has, she needs too. So I let her have a pack too. When we got home the kids changed into their new bathing suits and played with the water cannon in the back yard. A couple of the neighborhood kids joined in the fun also, lured to our back yard by the high pitched shrieks of my children ;)

After we dried off from that I took the kids to lunch at Noodles & Company, which I like to take them to because they always both eat all their food! Becca loves the mac n cheese and Ben loves the buttered noodles. Later in the afternoon after Rebecca's nap we visited some friends who had a new baby a few weeks ago. Rebecca was quite fascinated by the baby, and even this morning in the car she was singing, "Baby Luca, baby Luca, I love baby Luca...." Joel met us there after a while, and we ordered pizza for dinner.

Yesterday, with Joel at work once again, the kids and I took their bikes to the Greenway (after having breakfast at Starbucks). Becca rode her tricycle and Ben rode his bike, but he stopped about every 50 feet to pet a different dog. Becca pedaled around all the dogs as widely as she could manage. The weather was great - cool and sunny, with the high eventually getting up to about 70 or so. It was perfect weather for being outside.

After lunch we went to Ben's soccer game, and later on when Joel got home we met his parents at Brio for a delicious dinner in honor of mother's day. Rebecca, having missed her nap and fallen asleep briefly in the car on the way to the restaurant, was in a fragile mood but well behaved over all. Below are some random pictures from throughout the weekend:

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