Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just a Little Hectic

It's been a busy weekend and I'm gearing up for a busy week! Weekend activities included Yom Kippur services (for Joel anyyway - I stayed home with the kids), a Break Fast at a friend's house, a birthday party (of the grownup variety, for one of our neighbors), Cub Scouts, the Panthers game (Joel went with a friend), and grocery shopping.

This week Joel is at a conference in Dallas from tonight until Friday night. I am left managing the kids, a full week at work, and a last-minute to-do list for Rebecca's birthday party on Saturday, as well as getting ready to host Mom and Dad from Thursday night - Sunday, and dealing with an altered school schedule because Rebecca is off Thursday and Friday for Sukkot.

Ben's doing a fundraiser for school that has required a bit of my attention this week as well, and homework (which was slow to get started) is now in full gear with spelling homework 4 nights a week, reading 4 nights a week, math homework 2 nights a week, and weekly spelling tests.

So- busy, busy! But looking forward to a great weekend with Mom and Dad and an awesome 3rd birthday celebration for Becca!!

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