Thursday, December 23, 2010

Terrible 3's

The first hour of my day went something like this:

7:35 a.m -- Becca throws a tantrum because Ben beats her to the bathroom. She tries to skulk downstairs without waiting to use the bathroom or get dressed, gets scolded, and sulks some more.

7:40 a.m -- Becca sulks through her morning "business", yelling at me to leave her alone.

7:45 a.m -- Becca throws a tantrum over the clothes I picked out for her, because she wants to wear one of her summer dresses and it's 35 degrees out. tantrum ends in her hitting me twice while I'm trying to get her in her clothes (I think she's yelling "they don't match! they don't match!" as I am trying to shove her into her pants). The hitting earns her a swat on the bottom. More sulking.

(7:46 a.m. -- BEN: I'm being good, right Mom?)

7:55 a.m -- Another tantrum because the pancakes I fixed for her breakfast are on an orange plate, and she wanted them on a pink plate. BIG tantrum. Joel sends her to sit in time out. She eventually comes back to the table, but only takes one bite of breakfast.

8:25 a.m -- tantrum over what coat to wear today narrowly averted, because I give in and let her wear the puffy vest with the hearts on it even though she really should be wearing something warmer.

8:35 a.m -- Preschool drop-off! Someone else gets to put up with her tantrums for the rest of the day, though (as usual) by the time we get to school her disposition becomes charming and sunny. It seems as though she saves all of her tantrums for me!


Grandma said...

Sounds like time for a 'Becca's sunny day' chart. She is exactly the right age for behavior modification. She likes pink- make it pink:)and just include the morning routine.

Kathleen said...

Okay, I laughed hysterically at this .... I told Mike to read it, he reads it. He doesn't laugh hysterically, but says "yeah, it was funny'. Ignore him! This was a funny read! Thanks for the chuckle but sorry you had to suffer!

Grandma said...

Yeah- it's worthy of a childrens book-'Becca and the no good terrible horrible very bad day'. Guess that one's already been written, but still she is giving you lots of material.:)