Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Total Chaos

Total chaos is what happens when a city that rarely sees snow gets 4 inches of it followed by a little bit of freezing rain. Monday was fun. The snow and the day off school was a novelty. Tuesday both kids were off from school again. Joel was even off from work. That was a little bit ridiculous but good for me because he could watch the kids so I could get some work done. Except his idea of watching the kids was to invite one of Ben's friends over to play so there ended up being 3 kids running around the house instead of two.

Then last night we lost power for 3 hours. We NEVER lose power for more than 30 seconds. But off it went. We discovered that we have all of one flashlight and the bulb in that flashlight is almost dead. We used it as a night light until Rebecca fell asleep and then took it from her room and used it in Ben's room until he fell asleep. And we lit candles. Joel and I had a conversation that went like this: JOEL: Why don't we have any flashlights? ME: I don't know, but look at all these Hanukkah candles we have. JOEL: Yes but they don't last very long. ME: Now, that's kind of ironic, isn't it? JOEL: Yes, yes it is...

Being without electricity was quite shocking for Ben. He kept repeating, "But the *tv* went off too!" The trauma of having no tv to watch. I surfed the internet on my phone and Joel read stored content on his iPad and we were very relieved when the power came back on.

Today the public schools were closed AGAIN. Rebecca's preschool was open with a 3 hour delay, and as we were getting ready to head over there at 10am I read an email on my phone from the director of the after school program that Ben attends saying they were going to have a special "school's out/J's in" day from 10:30 until 5pm and I fired off a reply "Bringing him over NOW. Charge my card on file!" Ben was a little peeved at me for the last minute change in plans (I guess he'd been planning on whining and moping and being in my way all day while I tried to work). But he cheered up once we arrived. And I cheered up immensely once I returned home to a QUIET HOUSE for the first time all week.

Tomorrow Ben's school is finally open again - but on a two hour delay. I'm not sure if Rebecca's preschool is going to have a delayed start as well or be open at the regular time, but at any rate, I am very much looking forward to an almost-normal schedule!


Carolyn said...

Love the Hanukkah irony. Seriously 4 inches and some rain= 3.5 days off from school? We got 20 inches today and being the accounting warrior that I am - I was in the office by 10:30.

Mary said...

I love that you are honest. I get sick of seeing people write on facebook how wonderful their kids are and how they will miss them when they are back at school. We all love our kids but it doesn't mean we want them underfoot all the time!

Grandma said...

We got about 5 inches of snow Tuesday night, and not one single Caregiver called out for work Wednesday morning! Everybody managed to get to work, even though most schools were closed-not sure why.