Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Break Week

I learned this week that spring break is rather difficult when it coincides with Passover and when you don't take any time off work. The normal solution for Ben when school is closed is J Team, a program the JCC runs where they take the kids for field trips etc on school holidays. But the JCC was closed for Passover Tuesday and Wednesday, which meant I had both kids to deal with. Tuesday was pretty bad, the kids whined a lot, got yelled at a lot, and I had to spend a couple hours in the evening making up for lost productivity at work. Wednesday was better; in the morning the kids followed the maid around with feather dusters (shoulda paid the poor guy for babysitting) and in the afternoon Joel came home early since it was his half day.

Yesterday and today J Team and preschool were both functioning, and the kids have been happy to get out of the house.Ben goes back to school Monday, but Rebecca has off two additional days for the end of Passover. Fortunately (and miraculously) a classmate's grandmother offered quite spontaneously and unsolicited to take Becca all day not just for one day but for BOTH DAYS. Apparently she thinks that watching two kids will be easier than one, since they'll entertain each other. We'll see how that goes - but I am very glad that I don't have to stress about trying to work with Becca at home on Monday and Tuesday!

And now for a relaxing weekend... (?)

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