Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!

Every year I express the desire to go out to brunch for Mother's Day, but every year I don't express this desire until the day before Mother's Day, at which point it is absolutely impossible to get a reservation at any of the (many) restaurants around here that are well-known for their delicious brunch... Mental note for next year to give Joel that assignment a couple weeks ahead of time ;)

So anyway, we went out to dinner for Mother's Day with Joel's parents last night. We went to Brio, where we usually have good luck in the sense that it is good food and fancy enough for a special occasion, but big, loud and kid-friendly at the same time. Unfortunately last night they seem to have underestimated the Mother's Day crowd (not sure how, considering they were open until 3 for brunch as well - not that we could get a reservation then).

The kids' meals came I'd say a good 30-40 minutes before us grownups got our food. So by the time we got our food Rebecca was getting pretty antsy. We ordered them dessert which they ate while we ate our dinners, which helped. Ben was super good and ate a ton -- a whole plate of salmom and buttered noodles, half my salad, and some of my chicken and mashed potatoes.

Rebecca was a little unpredictable, and dropped her ice cream dish on the floor (breaking it) and had a bit of a bathroom incident - Joel took her to the bathroom but apparently she couldn't quite make it and peed on the bathroom stall floor. She was wearing a dress, so Joel threw away her undies and she went commando (in an alarmingly short dress I might add) for the remainder of dinner. Joel reported also that as they were getting ready to leave the bathroom stall she farted several times, much to her great delight, and then announced to the other bathroom occupants loudly, "I farted THREE TIMES!"

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Hilarious. Happy Belated Mother's Day.