Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Beware of Falling Oil Prices

I've mentioned before that Rebecca has started to pay attention to the news in the car on the way to/from preschool. It's hard to predict which stories might get her attention and which she will remain oblivious to. This morning it was a story about falling oil prices that got her interest--

BECCA: "Prices are falling, Mom! They said prices are falling! Prices are bad, right?"
ME: "Falling oil prices are good. It means it won't cost so much money when I put gas in my car."
BECCA: "And then our car will explode, right?"

I assured her that no, our car will not explode, but she didn't seem to believe me, choosing instead to believe her own interpretation of the news, which appears to be that falling oil prices will hit our car and make it explode. Sometimes I wonder if I ought to turn off the news...

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