Monday, June 6, 2011

Early Birthday Celebration

We had a busy weekend, which included an early birthday party for Ben, since we wanted to do his party before school ended and everyone split for vacation (as we're doing next week). The party was very easy/low key, 10 of his friends playing laser tag at Sports Connection followed by birthday cake. It was the first year he specifically requested NO GIRLS! at his party.

After the party we went out for a pizza lunch with Nanny and Papa, and then home to open presents. Last year Ben's gifts consisted entirely of Lego products; this year I am pleased to report that the Lego products were balanced out by Pokemon cards, a super soaker, r/c car, r/c helicopter, video games, etc. So, a decent haul. Ben's presents from the family will be given to him on his real birthday (June 19).

Joel and I also got to go out to dinner Saturday night thanks to some much appreciated babysitting by Nanny and Papa - we went to Blue Taj, and then to Pinkberry. Nanny and Papa took the kids to Stonecrest for noodles, ice cream, and music. Joel and I arrived home shortly after 9pm from our dinner, and the kids were still not home from theirs -- "God that's lame" I said, and Joel said, "We should leave again." But they arrived home a couple minutes later.

Yesterday we spent several hours at the pool, then came home and showered and headed back to the JCC for the annual CJP picnic... after about an hour of standing around in the heat/humidity and upon discovering that they were serving Papa John's pizza, we decided, along with 2 other families, to ditch the picnic and go out for Chinese food. So the 12 of us - 6 adults and 6 kids - descended upon a small (and up until then quiet) Chinese restaurant for a loud and slightly chaotic dinner. We had fun, and Rebecca didn't seem to notice that this was a departure from the original plans. Ben said, "Thank GOD - I hate eating outside!" That's my boy.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Very cute about Mom and Dad getting home before the kids.LOL