Wednesday, August 31, 2011

24 Weeks + Back to School Update

I had my 24 week OB visit yesterday, and happy to report that all went well. The doctor said I am doing great, and I assured him I would try to rapidly deteriorate by my next visit so we'd have more to discuss. (He agreed that there was plenty of time yet for that to happen ;)

Ben seems to be enjoying school, commenting often about how much he likes his new teacher. The school day is 45 minutes longer this year and he has to get on the bus 45 minutes earlier than last year, but he doesn't seem to mind at all. I've been getting Ben up and ready and usually getting him to the bus while Joel is getting dressed/eating breakfast, and Rebecca is still sleeping. It's actually been easier for me to be able to deal with the kids one at a time rather than having to get them both ready at the same time like I did last year. So far so good!

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