Sunday, September 18, 2011

Random Updates

1. Our friends Joanna and Eric welcomed baby #3, Joshua Kyle, on Thursday. Yesterday afternoon after apple picking we picked up big brothers Jared and Evan for a playdate/dinner date to give mom/dad/grandma a little break from the older kids. We went to Lorenzo's pizza, which I might add is a fine establishment especially considering I've been craving all things carbs (pizza, pasta, biscuits,cereal etc) with this pregnancy. After that we found a Rita's italian ices close by, which is not a small feat in Charlotte considering there's only a couple of them around here. Joel's favorite dessert is Rita's fat free frozen custard. I could use some more pizza right now.

2. Ben started Hebrew school this morning; he very dramatically threw a bit of a fit at having to go (because the first time he has to do anything new he gets a bit nervous and upset). I snapped back at him that all his friends have been going to Hebrew school since Kindergarten and he would have been too if we'd gotten around to coughing up the $2500 yearly Temple/Religious school membership dues before now. That hushed him up and he sullenly departed with Joel, and returned two hours later proclaiming how much he likes Hebrew school and how 3 of his friends are in his class. MOMMY TOLD YOU SO.

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