Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2 Month Checkup

Caroline had her 2 month well visit yesterday. Falling as it did on President's Day, I had to take Ben and Rebecca with me also. They were very well behaved, crammed as we all were in a very small exam room. They made room by sitting underneath the exam table and giggling hysterically when the doctor came in and pretended she didn't see them. Then Becca came out and made it very clear in no uncertain terms that it was NOT HER CHECKUP.

Caroline weighed in at 14 lbs 4 oz, and measured 24 inches long, putting her at the 98th percentile for both height and weight. I am pretty sure Ben also was 14 pounds at his 2 month visit, so she's tracking right along with big brother (though I think he was longer).

She got a bunch of vaccinations, and her brother and sister reacted very differently to her distress- Ben asked if he could leave the room and settled for covering his ears and closing his eyes, while Rebecca elbowed her way to the side of the exam table for a front row seat at her sister's misery ;) So typical of their different personalities!