Monday, February 27, 2012

Not the Weekend We had Planned

Our weekend was supposed to consist of Ben's last basketball practice/game, a couple of birthday parties, an open house to get ready for, our usual Saturday night dinner out, etc... instead the weekend was spent largely in the ICU at Carolinas Medical Center, where Joel was admitted Friday night with severe intestinal bleeding. Happily (to give away the ending in advance) the bleeding blood vessel was located and clipped, and Joel was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon. He is now resting comfortably, but very tired still from all the blood he lost, so he'll be taking it easy for a couple of days...

The fun started Friday right after dinner, when Joel called me to observe what we determined to be abnormal contents of the toilet bowl, yet not horrifyingly alarming at that point... more just concerning. Joel called the doctor who advised if it happened again he needed to go to the ER. A few minutes later it did happen again, this time much more alarming. I called Joel's mom and asked her to come over to watch the kids so I could take Joel to the ER. Then it happened AGAIN, more alarming still, and Joel started to look very pale and feel dizzy. We decided not to wait for Joel's mom and called an ambulance instead, which freaked out the kids/neigbors a bit, and Joel was whisked off to the hospital. The kids went to a neighbor's house to wait for Joel's mom. Ben was visibly scared; Rebecca was happy to get to go play at the neighbor's and that nanny was coming over ;) The baby came with me to the hospital.

At the hospital Joel's condition continued to worsen, and he was eventually admitted to the ICU and had to receive several units of blood before the source of the bleeding was found and fixed. I went back and forth between home and the hospital for the weekend, and Joel's parents took care of Ben and Rebecca for most of the weekend while I kept the baby with me. Now finally we're all home/getting things back to normal!

Here's hoping for an uneventful week from here on out :)

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Definitely hoping for an uneventful week for you!!