Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Road Trippers

The kids did remarkably well on the road during this vacation. There was a lot of driving involved - Charlotte to Philadelphia, Philadelphia to Hershey and back, Philadelphia to New Jersey, New Jersey to Charlotte. We did the trip home (New Jersey to Charlotte) in one 13-hour trip (including stops) and all things considered, it went remarkably well. Ben had one meltdown around dinner time when he got really hungry, but otherwise he spread out on the back seat with the iPad, iPod, and DS and literally did not make a sound for hours on end (it was kind of frightening really). Rebecca was a bit more fidgety and impatient, but spent hours coloring (though she kept dropping her markers and we kept having to wriggle around in our seats to fish for them). We also kept them occupied by stopping every couple of hours and purchasing things like Slurpees, coloring books, and Angry Birds graham crackers. Pretty much whatever it took to buy some peace and quiet! Definitely was worth it.

 Caroline only had one meltdown that couldn't be solved with a bottle, and that was around her bedtime when she was just plain tired, and eventually fell asleep. The spilling of popcorn and trail mix all over the car occurred an hour from Charlotte and shall be blamed entirely on Joel for deciding he had to stop an hour from home and buy popcorn and trail mix ;)

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