Friday, September 28, 2012

Caroline Update (9 1/2 months)

So I haven't talked much lately about Caroline's milestones and she is starting to do some pretty cool stuff! She has this adorable "byebye" wave, where she holds her arm out straight and waves just her fingers, so it kind of looks like she is trying to get something sticky off her hand or something ;) And she has perfected her army crawl, she can get around FAST! She is also showing signs of being about to lift her tummy off the ground and start crawling the "right" way.

Also she is starting to be able to push herself up from her tummy to sitting, and has started attempting to pull up on things, like, the side of the bathtub yesterday for example (kind of a dangerous spot to practice pulling up, though).

Also, she say "da da", "ma ma" and "ba ba" and I swear she sometimes says them somewhat appropriately ;) Like this morning when Joel came downstairs and I said, "Look there's Daddy," she said "da da". And when we were leaving day care, and I told her to wave bye bye, she said "ba ba". Coincidence???? I don't know, I think I have a future Nobel Laureate on my hands.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Sounds like another smarty pants to me:)