Monday, September 3, 2012

The Calm Before the Storm

Since our concert outing Wednesday night we have spent a very mellow few days. Ben finished up his first week of school - no significant homework yet but expecting that to start piling on in the coming days - and Joel and I finished up busy weeks at work.

We are both off for the three day weekend, and have been doing a lot of nothing-much. Our biggest accomplishment Saturday was buying and successfully installing a new shower head for the master bathroom, followed by a free dinner at PF Chang's courtesy of American Express rewards points (the shower head and related accessories at home depot would have been free if I'd been able to locate my Home Depot gift cards in time, but alas I only found them afterwards).

Yesterday Joel went to the gym and did the grocery shopping and the kids and I lounged around the house and were so lazy that Ben did not even get dressed until 10 minutes before our company was due to arrive at 3. We had friends over for a barbecue and some lively political debate while our kids and their kids made a mess in the bonus room upstairs. Despite still needing to clean that up, it was a good time.

Now it's time to gear up for DNC week! Joel and I have tickets (pending final babysitting arrangements) to see Thursday's taping of The Daily Show at Imaginon. Being a huge Jon Stewart fan, and after watching his highly amusing RNC coverage / Tampa bashing last week, I am very curious to see what he'll have to say about Charlotte ;) Joel also, rumor has it, has rustled up a single credential to Obama's speech on Thursday night. History in the making - ready, set, go!

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