Friday, November 2, 2012

Double Ear Infection Girl

Goes a long way in explaining the fever and sleepless night we endured last night. Arrghhh. On top of getting up 4 times with a fussy baby, Ben misread his clock and came downstairs and woke me up at 5:27, thinking it was 6:27. I grumpily told him to go back to bed, which he did, but not 5 minutes later Caroline made her 5th wake-up call of the night. Her discomfort was due in part to the fact that I had only Tylenol in the house for her, no ibuprofen, so first thing this morning we made a grocery run for that, and later a doctor appointment to confirm the ear infections and get a prescription for amoxycillan. Of course, the Friday before election day is NOT the best time to have to deal with a sick baby at home, in my profession! Fortunately she's sleeping now (finally), and I am catching up a bit.

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Aww look at that cutie pie with the big eyes!! Hope she feels better soon & you get some sleep tonight!