Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2 Year Old Checkup

Caroline had her two year old checkup today, which was awesome! It was awesome even though I had to bring Ben and Becca with me because their school was on another two hour weather delay, for no apparent reason because it was at least around 20 this morning (and is now in the 30s). These Southerners, I tell you... ! No idea how to deal with a little cold weather. Coats, people. Coats and hats and mittens. Anyway after Caroline's checkup I dashed Ben and Becca over to school with 10 minutes to spare before the late bell! Yay me.

Caroline weighed 32 pounds and was 36 1/2 inches tall. At her 18 month checkup, she was 26 pounds and change, and 32 1/2 inches tall. Now she is back at the 95th percentile for weight and the 97th percentile for height! How is that for a growth spurt??? She was so much taller than her last checkup in fact, that the computer wouldn't let the nurse enter the new height without re-measuring it first to confirm. The doctor agreed with me that the reason is because she is finally healthy again and playing catch-up, since she stopped growing basically from 12 months to 16 months of age due to the undiagnosed celiac disease.

The doctor also said she looks amazing, happy and rambunctious and talking up a storm. She couldn't get over what a difference there has been in the last 6 months. Caroline even capped it off by running over to her and giving her a hug before we left. (That was before the hepatitis A booster, so her mood might've dampened a little after that, but we'll overlook that detail).

I showed the doctor these two pictures that I came across recently and compared side  by side -- Caroline on her first birthday, she had started having diarrhea problems about a month before this, but still looked pretty happy and healthy and her belly looks pretty flat:

Caroline, wearing the same shirt, about 3 months later, looking sad and sick and with a ginormous belly. This was probably a couple weeks before we finally got her diagnosis.

Looking at this picture makes me SO SAD that it took so long for us to figure out what was wrong and start on the path to making our baby happy and healthy again, but it also makes me SO GRATEFUL for the thriving girl we have today!


Grandma said...

'AMEN' to that last part!

Abigail said...

Awwww.... Way to go Caroline!!