Monday, January 13, 2014

24 Hour Date

Saturday Joel and I used the mini getaway package we had purchased at the silent auction back in September. It included a night at the Hampton Inn in Southpark, a gift card for dinner at PF Chang's and a gift card for Sunday brunch at Upstream. Both of those restaurants are in the same shopping complex as the hotel is in. We had babysitter extraordinaire Sharon arrive at 11am, and before noon we were enjoying cocktails (pictured below) and lunch, followed by seeing a movie (American Hustle), followed by dinner, more drinks/dessert, a relaxing night at the Hampton Inn, and brunch the next morning at Upstream. (Pictures of some of the plates from their breakfast tapas menu below). After brunch we rounded out the date with a trip to Costco because, really, who wouldn't jump at the chance to shop at Costco without the kids for once? It was an awesome time, made even more awesome by arriving home and being told about how nicely our children behaved while we were away! Sharon got them to basketball practice, Hebrew school, took them out to dinner.... As usual my kids are in great hands when she is around!

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