Monday, February 10, 2014

Busy Weekend

It was a pretty busy weekend at the Kaplan house, which included basketball practice + games, a trip to Inner Peaks climbing center with J Tribes, Hebrew school, the monthly Costco shopping trip, and date night for Mom and Dad (We had dinner at Jade Asian Fusion and saw 12 Years a Slave). We also had some outside play time in unusually warm (60 degree) weather, and watched some of the Olympics.

Caroline battled tummy aches and diarrhea all weekend -- she definitely seems to have eaten something she shouldn't've, but I went through the pantry and inspected the labels of everything she's known to have eaten in the last few days and couldn't come up with anything that might have made her sick. So we are keeping a close eye on that.

Ben had a trip to the dentist this morning to have two baby teeth extracted, in preparation for a space maintainer that is going to be installed behind his back teeth next month. The space maintainer is to try to keep the overcrowding to a minimum as his adult teeth come in. His bottom teeth are very crowded so this is kind of a pre-braces measure to see if we can do something to help his bottom teeth have a bit more room before it's time to see the orthodontist in a year or two. Ben was not happy after the procedure this morning, mainly because his mouth was all numb afterwards. I brought him home, gave him some motrin and let him relax on the couch for an hour and then took him to school. He was still pouty but I assured him the tooth fairy gives extra consideration to teeth that come out via the dentist instead of in the usual fashion!

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