Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Latest Patient

So I finally got Ben back to school today after two days home sick with a stomach bug (and remember Caroline was home sick last Thursday and Friday with the same thing) and now here is my latest patient, just picked up from yesterday's knee surgery! I moved her crate into my office so I can keep an eye on her/ keep her as restricted as possible. I put the cone on her just now because she was trying to lick her leg. But hopefully she won't have to wear it too much. Poor girl :( For the next three weeks she is supposed to stay off her leg as much as possible, no walks / only go outside in the back yard on the leash to do her business and then come right back in. No running in the house, no jumping, rough housing etc of any kind. In three weeks I take her back for a follow-up, and she can have a little more activity after that, but not full off-leash running around until 12 weeks out. Wish us luck with that!

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