Monday, March 10, 2014

Feels Like Spring

We had a beautiful warm and sunny weekend, and the warmth and sun is continuing for at least the next couple of days, with temperatures forecast to be in the 70s today and tomorrow. (Wednesday it looks like it's going to be cooler and rainy but it looks like the overall trend is heading in the right direction!)

Joel and I were supposed to go to a fundraiser Saturday night but our babysitter got sick so we had to scrap those plans. We had a nice weekend anyway, if quiet -- Rebecca and I both got hair cuts, Ben spent Saturday afternoon playing at a friend's house while I spent some time with Rebecca trying to make progress on the bike-riding front. She is so high-strung shall we say, that her nerves get in the way of managing to ride her bike for more than 5 seconds at a time because she gets scared. We made a little progress with that. Unfortunately when we went back out to give it another try yesterday we discovered one of her bike tires was totally flat, she must have gotten a flat tire yesterday. I was unsuccessful in locating the source of the leak so far, so the bike-riding has been put on hold.

Saturday night we hit up one of our usual spots for dinner, Burger 21, and Sunday (after skipping Hebrew school due to the time change) we had a nice visit from Mort & Mary and the first barbecue of the year, with steak, chicken, salad and quinoa. I also made gluten free blondies with chocolate chips, and Mary picked up several varieties of gourmet ice cream from the store so the kids had a delicious version of brownie sundaes.

I also bought the movie Frozen for Rebecca yesterday on iTunes; while I was doing laundry and straightening up yesterday morning she watched it twice (after having already seen it twice in the theater) and then last night after dinner I sat down and watched it with her since I had not seen it myself yet. She and Ben got to bed a little late because of that, but I figured the time change always messes up our schedule a bit anyway so I didn't mind too much.

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