Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Bagel Incident

Camp Katan got off to a bit of a rocky start for Caroline. Yesterday, day 2 of camp, somehow a bagel with cream cheese was introduced into her lunch box. The counselor who unpacked her lunch box thought that it must be a gluten free bagel, and let her eat half of it, before the other counselor thought better of it and took it away from her. I'll stop right now and say that at the moment at least, Caroline seems fine and hasn't gotten sick yet. (At least as of the update from the camp director I received three hours ago).

We have thought and thought (and interrogated every person in the house) about where this bagel might have come from, but we cannot trace it back to our house or car. My kids don't like cream cheese, and Abby's kids eat it only for breakfast on toasted bagels. Not on un-toasted "bagel sandwiches". Rebecca will bring those for lunch but with butter on them, because she hates cream cheese. And we didn't even have cream cheese in the house for the past week until Monday night, and it was not opened until Tuesday morning well after Caroline's lunch had been packed the night before. Anyway, the point is try as we might we cannot come up with any scenario where the bagel originated at our house. The only other plausible theory , since the camp counselor swears it was in the lunch box when she opened it up, is that it fell out of another child's lunch box at some point perhaps during transport up to the walk-in fridge or something , and someone who didn't know better stuck it back into the wrong lunch box.

Going forward we are including an "inventory" in her lunch box that lists the items that were packed for that day's lunch, as well as marking the outside of her lunch box with the words FOOD ALLERGIES so in case if someone did accidentally stick the bagel into her lunch box by mistake, maybe next time there is loose food floating around it won't be MY kid's lunch box it gets put back into!

Keeping fingers crossed that Caroline avoids getting too sick from this little accident!

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