Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday Updates

For those of you requesting a blog update (and you know who you are!) It has been the usual chaotic week at the Kaplan household :) Caroline was off yesterday and again today for Shavuot, which means a lot of tv watching and being underfoot for her ;) Ben and Becca are finishing up their last full week of school and are through with homework so that part at least is good. Ben supposedly brings home his end of grade test results tomorrow. The dog started limping badly yesterday afternoon -- the same leg she had surgery on over the winter -- so we are keeping a nervous eye on her and hoping there is not another large vet bill in our future. Tomorrow I am supposed to have jury duty though I have to call this evening to find out for sure. I am really hoping I don't have to go! Although this is the first time I have ever even gotten a jury duty summons which is pretty remarkable. Abby started working this week though only part time for now, and Charlie and Amelia are probably getting bored for summer camp to start though so far they have seemed pretty content just hanging around the house :) A week from Saturday we leave for Hilton Head!

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