Monday, September 8, 2014

She's Done with Pull-Ups, Just Like That...

As followers of this blog know, we have long struggled (and I mean LONG STRUGGLED) with Becca in the pee-pee training department. We tried several medications,  pee-pee watches, behavioral therapy, pretty much whatever we could think of to get her to use the potty when necessary and keep herself dry during the day. With only incremental success, as she would still usually end the day at least a little damp although full-blown accidents have been rare. We hadn't even attempted to address her nighttime wetting issues, and she has been wearing pull-ups to bed her whole life and very rarely keeping them dry at night.

Until recently that is. Coinciding with her awful stomach bug a couple weeks ago, she started staying dry both day and night. Now, at first I attributed this to dehydration :) But then she got better, and kept staying dry. And then Friday at bed-time she announced, "I am not wearing a pull-up to bed any more. I hate pull-ups." And she went to bed without a pull-up, and stayed dry. Repeat Saturday night, repeat Sunday night, although Sunday she did have a pee-pee accident during the day so I think we aren't 100% yet but DEFINITELY moving in the right direction.

Hooray for Becca and her new-found determination to stay dry :)

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