Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Off to a Rocky Start

This week is off to a rocky start, with Caroline coming down with croup pretty much as soon as we got home from vacation and requiring a 4 AM dose of steroids Monday morning at the children's hospital emergency room. She has had one more subsequent dose of steroids, but hopefully will not need another one because let me tell you, the steroids are causing her to be a cranky monster!! This morning she asked me for a cup of milk and I said, "In a minute," to which she replied: "No Mommy, I am not going to play these games with you! I want a cup of milk NOW!"

In other news Clara had surgery this morning to repair her torn meniscus, which went well and she is resting at the vet's now. I will pick her up tomorrow morning. On the way back from dropping her off for her surgery this morning, Caroline and I stopped at the polls-- it's election day! Here is Caroline showing off her "I voted" stickers.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

LOL Hope your girls( canine and human) recover FAST!