Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Back to the Doctor

Caroline had her semi-annual GI appointment yesterday. She is getting old enough to ask questions about why she has to go to the doctor, so I told her the doctor needs to make sure her tummy is feeling ok and check to make sure there is no gluten in her body to make her sick. So on the way to the appointment she says to me, "Mom are we almost there yet?! Because I can feel the gluten getting all over my body!"

At her last checkup her gluten antibody levels had increased from the time before so the million dollar question is whether they will have gone up or down this time. If up we will need to discuss next steps with the doctor, which could include an endoscopy to take a look and see what's going on in her intestines. Fingers crossed that the blood test results are good and we don't have to do that! Her health has been good and she has been growing and gaining weight so we don't have any reason to suspect that she is still ingesting gluten somehow except for those stubborn antibody levels that have refused to return to normal so far!

Caroline was, as usual, a rock star during the blood draw and held perfectly still and whimpered just a little. 

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