Friday, May 8, 2015

Finally Friday

Too many trips to the doctor this week, for one thing. I had a visit to the eye doctor to meet with a cataract surgeon because I have a cataract in my right eye. I don't have much vision in that eye to begin with but I still am noticing the cataract so I am going to have cataract surgery at some point just not sure when yet (they were supposed to call to schedule it but have not yet).

I also took a trip to the urgent care to get evaluated for a suspected UTI so am on antibiotics for a few days (and fighting off a cold as well so just not feeling real great in general this week).

Becca visited the doctor yesterday was well; Joel and I met with her teacher on Tuesday where she told us that Becca's attention issues (rocking/zoning out during class) have gotten much worse and that she is not paying attention about 80% of the day. She rocks her chair backwards halfway across the room without noticing, is much slower completing assignments than the other kids, is always the last one to come to the carpet, line up, pack up, or do whatever it is that the teacher has just asked all the kids to do, and the other kids in the class have started asking about why Rebecca rocks / hums / etc all the time and several have complained about sitting next to her because she disturbs them when they are trying to work :( SO, we are starting off on a low dose of methylphenidate as of today, to see if that improves things any. Because the "wait and see" that we have been doing for the last almost two years hasn't helped. Sigh. On the bright side her teacher has observed that she must be very smart because she only pays attention for about 20% of the day but is still miraculously on grade level. I can't imagine that she would be able to stay on grade level for much longer though, with that level of inattention. Also, I don't want other kids to start teasing her, which hasn't happened yet but I am sure will start soon if things don't improve. Anyway, fingers crossed.

There's a lot going on this weekend, including two flag football games, a charity home tour, dance class, the JFS Mother's Day 5k/family fun run, and dinner at Papa and Mary's new apartment down the street. Bring on the weekend!

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