Sunday, July 12, 2015

Ready to Go!

So ready, in fact, that she apparently misremembered how far away camp Blue Star is and spent the whole 2 hour drive sulking at us to hurry up and get there already. 


Anonymous said...

Does Rebecca still have bedwetting (or day wetting, for that matter) issues? If so, how does she deal with it at camp? My daughter wants to go to camp, but is afraid too because of her issues.

Amanda said...

Thanks for your comment. Rebecca outgrew both the daytime and nighttime wetting over the past year. Last summer she spent a week at camp also and she wore pull ups to bed. She didn't seem self conscious about it at the time but by the time she turned 7 she didn't want anything to do with wearing them anymore so she trained herself out of needing them.

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful news! Congrats on being a diaper and pull up free house!