Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday News Roundup

This has been a bit of a long and tiring week -- first Joel got sick with a stomach bug on Saturday night and was sick until Tuesday. Wednesday morning Ben came down with it and was sick until last night. He finally went back to school this morning. Bad timing, the week before the second quarter ends... He has a Spanish final today that I am not at all sure he is remotely prepared for, although since his average so far in Spanish is somehow a 101, I am sure he won't do too badly.

Clara jumped on the illness/injury bandwagon as well and managed to get a corneal abrasion while playing with Jasper the other day (at least I assume that's how it happened). $114 later I have antibiotic drops to somehow instill in the right eye of a wiggly dog 4 times a day for 5 days. I've managed to do it all of once so far. Mostly I miss, and then she eats it. Does that count?

The three day weekend has some shopping planned tomorrow with Abby, and dinner and a  movie tomorrow night with Joel (going to see Spotlight), and some football watching and Ben's basketball games. Fingers crossed that the girls and I stay healthy!!

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