Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday News Roundup

The kids finally went back to school on Wednesday, the house cleaners came, and all was right with the world ;) The second semester has started, and so Ben traded Spanish and Computers electives for Design & Modeling and Physical Education. I am slightly frightened of Design & Modeling, already having had to buy Ben a bunch of supplies including a USB mouse, thumb drive, graphing notebook, metal ruler, etc. But more surprisingly, Physical Education is not just "gym"-- there is homework and written as well as physical fitness tests! Ben, for his part, is shocked at the fact that he is required to change clothes for gym. To him, he cannot understand why he can't wear his gym clothes to school and run around in them all day. Apparently the gym teacher quashed that notion early. Ben finished the second quarter with 5 As and 2 Bs, and his first semester grades are 6 As and 1 B. Not too shabby. He somehow finished Spanish with a semester average of 100. (Let's think about that for a moment shall we?)

Becca was very happy to go back to school after all the snow days, since she really likes her teacher and really likes being at school. I got her a Panthers t shirt so she could wear it for "Panther Pride day" today and next Friday. I figure she might as well support the home team! It's not like we have the Eagles to root for anymore. I got one for Caroline also, since her preschool has been having Panther spirit days lately as well.

I have two large boxes in my office -- bookshelves that I ordered for the office. I am hoping to get them up this weekend, as part of the ongoing household-organization project Joel and I have been working on (Joel organized the laundry room and all the kitchen cabinets/drawers over the last couple of weekends).

So there you have it, a lot of not-much-going-on today!

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