Monday, July 18, 2016

12 Year Old Well Checkup

Ben had his 12 year old well checkup today. I think it is very safe to say that my days of being taller than him are severely limited. He checked in at 5'5 even (I am 5'5 1/2), and 100.4 pounds. He has grown 3 inches and gained 12 pounds since last summer, which the doctor thought was great considering he has not entered puberty yet. I did explain to the doctor that 10 of the 12 pounds he has gained this year have literally been in the last 6 weeks since school ended and he came off his medication for the summer. We discussed our options with regards to that and decided we will do a 6 week trial when school starts without medication, and then check in with the doctor to see how things seem to be going. If we think he should go back on ADHD meds, we will try something different since the appetite suppressant effect of the Concerta was just awful. Not only was he not eating lunch, he was barely eating dinner too. And let me tell you, 5'5 and 90 pounds DOES NOT LOOK GOOD. Finally he is looking healthy and I want to keep him that way! He got his first of 3 Gardasil doses, which he was mad at me for because it made his arm very sore.

There was a little bribery involved in coaxing Ben to get to the 100 pound mark, and now that he has had 2 separate weigh-ins verifying that he has hit the mark, he was allowed to download a video game for himself ;) This week he is home with me doing summer reading, and on Saturday he heads to Philly for a much anticipated week with Aunt Kathleen and Uncle Mike!

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