Friday, March 24, 2017

Don't Lose it This Time

Joel lost his wedding ring over a year ago and we finally got around to replacing it!


I Guess This Makes it Official

We only sent these to the Israel cousins, assuming no one else besides immediate family is flying to Israel for a bar mitzvah, but if anyone wants me to send them one, let me know ;)




Thursday, March 23, 2017

Kid of the Week

Caroline's friends and teachers had some sweet things to say about her! We will miss these friends next year at Kindergarten!


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Kid of the Week

Here she is with her poster! She wanted to include her favorite foods (pasta with chicken and broccoli, mint chocolate chip ice cream, and pirate booty) and when we were done she looked at her posted and said, "Now I'm really hungry!"

Mid Week Update

1. It's freezing, currently 28 and only going up to 43. Since I make my dinner menus weeks in advance, I stupidly assumed that March 15 would be warm enough to grill tonight. So now I'm supposed to grill tonight. Sigh.

2. Caroline is Kid of the Week this week. In addition to her poster, she needed to bring in her favorite toy and book yesterday. When I brought her in to school this morning her teachers gushed and gushed about how at circle time Caroline announced that SHE was going to read the book to the class instead of the teacher, and her teacher thought "uh oh, this may take awhile" but Caroline read the book fluently, with proper inflection and not a single mistake. Her teachers were SO IMPRESSED.

3. The Israel trip / Bar Mitzvah prep is about to kick into high gear. I just realized that besides Hebrew school once a week and Bar Mitzvah tutoring once a week, and the 12 hours of community service Ben still has to do, and the 3 Friday night and 5 Saturday morning services Ben still has to attend, during April and May we also have three meetings with the rabbi about the Bar Mitzvah speech writing (nevermind actually writing the speech and all that) and another three meetings about the Israel trip itself,  and then two rehearsals. My brain is about to explode just thinking about all that.

4. Becca is determined to try out for the spring talent show at school. Her piano teacher is teaching her Canon in D for the audition I have told Rebecca to promise me that if she doesn't get into the talent show, she will not be discouraged and will try again next year! She has only been taking lessons since January. The audition is March 28. I really admire her determination! Since she has to wear the same clothes to the audition as she would be wearing in the actual performance, I have dutifully ordered her a sparkly black and silver outfit :)

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Friday, March 10, 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

An Expensive Bag of Grapes

On Friday I bought a bag of grapes, thinking to eat them with cottage cheese as a snack. Saturday morning the girls were getting ready to go to Costco with Joel and Ben and I were getting ready to go to synagogue. I came out of my bedroom to find that Joel and the girls had already left, Ben was upstairs in the shower, and there was a mostly empty bag of grapes sitting on the living room couch. Now, I hadn't eaten any and I had already told the girls the grapes were not for them. And there was Clara, looking innocent. Now, grapes can be quite poisonous to dogs and I knew that a) the girls couldn't have eaten that many and b) the dog will eat anything left out in her reach.

So instead of going to synagogue, Ben and I rushed Clara to the vet where they induced vomiting (she had indeed eaten around 20 or so grapes) and then kept her for four hours on IV fluids to flush her kidneys. By Saturday afternoon she was doing fine and I brought her home and then back again this morning to check her kidney function one more time. I am happy to report that (over $600 in vet bills later) she was given the "all clear"! The girls however, are grounded for life ;)