Thursday, April 27, 2017

Interesting Spot for Homework


Beginner's Night

Caroline got her first taste of Kindergarten tonight at Beginner's Night at ELE!


Happy Birthday Lucy!

We celebrated Lucy's first birthday earlier this week with a can of tuna fish topped with whipped cream! After the candle was blown out and the singing stopped, she enjoyed her treat ;)


Saturday, April 22, 2017

I Need to Brag About Caroline

Today she is being the sweetest most adorable thing! First I was straightening up the living room and she said, "Mom, that looks like hard work. I know you must not like doing it. Do you want me to help you?"

And then later she was heading outside to play and she stopped and turned around and said, "Mom I have a present for you first." And she came over and gave me a huge hug! If she is trying to butter me up for something she is doing a fantastic job!!!

Also I needed her to sign the summer camp behavior pledge and before she wrote her name she read the whole thing and the only words I had to help her with were "Behavior" , "counselor" , and "honest", and she was very close on sounding all those out correctly.

Busy Week!

After our four day weekend we had a rude return to work and school! Caroline was off Monday and Tuesday for the final two days of Passover, and by Monday night she literally started crying and said she wanted to go back to school because she missed her friends! Poor baby. It didn't help that I had a lot of work to catch up on as well as some major issues to resolve for work so I was glued to my desk for the first half of the week.

Wednesday she finally went back to school and I had a long day at work followed by spending the evening working with Ben on his D'var Torah for his bar mitzvah, then bouncing back and forth between writing a draft based on the notes we came up with and doing some work stuff until about midnight.

Last night Ben went to services with Mort - he now has one Friday night and 3 Saturday mornings left to do - Becca went to a birthday party and Caroline and I met Joel at Chopt (an awesome salad place) for dinner. It's quite a hike from where we are but apparently they are opening one in the Arboretum this summer. YAY! Today Becca has another birthday party/ sleepover to go to, Caroline has soccer tomorrow and Ben has a meeting with the rabbi to finalize his D'var Torah, and I have moms in training. Joel is working all weekend! So definitely not the relaxing weekend we had last weekend. The weather is awesome though so I am going to try to sit outside and enjoy it at some point!

Happy Birthday Joel!

After spending Thursday and Friday with the kids, we sent them to Aunt Abby's house Saturday for a sleepover and Joel and I headed to the Ballantyne Hotel for some R&R and to celebrate Joel's birthday. The weather was beautiful and we checked in after lunch and spent the afternoon by the pool and watching the golfers and then had a fabulous three hour dinner on the terrace overlooking the golf course. Sunday morning we had a delicious breakfast at the hotel restaurant before heading home to continue the birthday celebration with the kids and Mort & Mary. The girls helped me make a yummy chocolate fudge cake which was devoured in remarkably short order! It was a great four day weekend and a great birthday celebration! Happy birthday Joel!!!


Last Thursday and Friday Joel and I took off work to spend some time with the kids for their last couple days of spring break. Thursday we went to Carowinds (Caroline's first time there) and Friday we went to Sky High trampoline park and then to lunch and a movie.

At Carowinds we splurged on Fast Lane Plus passes so we did not have to wait in line for any rides. We probably got on a dozen or so different rides , doing many of them two or three times. The kids had a blast. They have a new section called County Fair which was just the ride speed for all the kids -- Ben who doesn't like tall roller coasters and the girls who don't like the "baby" rides but are too little for the big roller coasters. Ben did take Caroline on the small roller coaster in Planet Snoopy to see her reaction - he told her it was a train that went over some "medium hills". When she got off she glared at him and said, "Those were NOT medium hills, Benny!" We spent all day at the park, arriving around 10:15 and leaving around 6:30.

The only "big" roller coaster that Ben and I went on was Nighthawk, where the ride operator apparently detected some issue with my harness and had to unbuckle and re-buckle me like four times before apparently (I hope) getting the green light to send me off. Since the ride involves spending most of the time being suspended by the harness upside down with the track above you, if the thing HADN'T been fully locked I would have been a goner. So I was NOT HAPPY and was very thankful to have survived in one piece!

Here are some pictures:

Monday, April 10, 2017

Happy Passover!

So proud of Caroline who not only sat through a two hour Seder very well behaved but also was able to read the Four Questions with very little help from Mom!




Friday, April 7, 2017

That Time of Year Again


I'm once again participating with the Moms in Training fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (of which Joel is now a board member of the Charlotte chapter). Although the 5k race this year is June 10th which is the day we leave for Israel, so I won't be able to participate in that I will still be training with this great group of moms on Sunday mornings at the JCC and helping to fundraise!

Please consider supporting this great cause! Your donation is tax deductible :)

Click Here to Support Moms in Training in the Fight Against Cancer

Finally Friday

Phew, I figured I'd better post something before April gets away from me! It's been a busy couple of weeks: Joel was at a conference in St. Louis for several days, the kids wrapped up the third quarter at school, and lots and lots of Bar Mitzvah / Israel trip stuff.

Rebecca auditioned for (but unfortunately did not get) a spot in the spring talent show. She was disappointed but handled it well. And we are all so proud of her for trying!

Ben and Rebecca both finished the third quarter with all As, for Becca it was the third straight quarter of straight As. It was Ben's first quarter of straight As this year and we're super proud of them both for working so hard this quarter! Three down, one to go!

Ben had a long stretch of Israel and Bar Mitzvah related stuff beginning last Friday with four hours of community service for his Bar Mitzvah project, religious school on Saturday, an Israel trip meeting on Sunday, Hebrew school on Monday, Bar Mitzvah tutoring on Tuesday, and a meeting with the rabbi on Wednesday to discuss the writing assignments he has to work on this month. As a result of all that, I'm perfectly happy to let him stay in his pajamas all day today (the first day of spring break) and watch movies!